Parenting Blog
Boundaries as a Form of Self-Care
by Rachel Maietta | Jun 26, 2020 | Family Blog
Often when we hear the word “self-care,” the smell of lavender may waft into our nose, or the soothing image of a warm bath and an audiobook. Maybe we’ll contemplate the deep release of a relaxing massage. All of these are wonderful ways to relax and take care of ourselves, as are vacations, being in nature, great food, yoga, and meditation. However, I’ve found the biggest form of self-care, the best way to prevent stress and burnout, is to set and communicate boundaries.
Talking To White Kids About Race
by Rachel Maietta | Jun 6, 2020 | Family Blog
Do you have an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach? You are not alone — I feel that way too but in my heart I know this is an important conversation.
Using Yogic Values in Parenting
by Rachel Maietta | May 21, 2020 | Family Blog
I learned about yogic ethics or values, also called Yama and Niyama, roughly 20 years ago when I started more formally on my spiritual path. I love these values and how they can be applied to current events and life in general.
Ten 5 Minute Self-Care Routines for Parents
by Rachel Maietta | Apr 13, 2020 | Family Blog
As a parent, our days seem filled from the moment we open our eyes until the moment we close them. I get it -- telling a parent to make time for self-care can immediately be followed by an eye roll. The idea of self-care sounds lovely, but the question is when? And...
5 Out of the Box Play Ideas for Kids
by Rachel Maietta | Apr 13, 2020 | Family Blog
There are many ways to play and have fun. Every once in a while I like to mix it up and set up some out of the box ways to play. Beware: The following suggestions are messy, but great for occasional use! The suggestions are somewhat open-ended and unstructured so not...
How to Talk About Covid-19 to Kids Based on Their Age
by Rachel Maietta | Mar 24, 2020 | Family Blog
During this confusing time filled with uncertainty, fear, upheaval, and many unanswered questions, it can be hard to navigate your emotions, stay connected, and be calm. At the same time you’re being asked to care for your children’s fear, uncertainty, unsettledness,...
Parents: How do we process our own fears and those of our children?
by Rachel Maietta | Mar 22, 2020 | Family Blog
Finding the balance between being grateful and being authentic about how stressed we are is not easy, but it is essential. I think we can all agree these are unprecedented times we are living through. Never in my life time have I experienced the fear of a pandemic...
Daily Flow for Kids
by Rachel Maietta | Mar 19, 2020 | Family Blog
There can also be different ages of children at home. There is a lot of information to process at this time and most children are feeling displaced, they may just need downtime and snugglesSome people call it a schedule, routine, rhythm, or flow. Whatever you call it,...
The Upside of Anger
by Rachel Maietta | Dec 9, 2019 | Family Blog
Anger is an emotion I know well. In years past it pulsed below the surface, ready to make an explosive appearance. For many years I was overwhelmed, overworked, and sleep-deprived. Between my children, husband, two managerial jobs, and basic life necessities, I felt constantly behind on all my responsibilities, and was always stressed about finances. I always did things for other people thinking I could handle it, but in reality, I was not giving to myself enough so I didn’t have the energy to give to others without feeling angry.
Our Children’s Big Emotions
by Rachel Maietta | Oct 30, 2019 | Family Blog
Being someone who is fascinated with the rational sequences of math and science as well as someone who is motivated by connection and relationships, I love brain science and especially how it helps us understand how children grow and develop. Daniel J Siegel says, “the brain is a social organ and relationships are our life’s blood.” My children are teaching me about themselves and how to be an empathetic, loving parent just as much as I am teaching them how to move in this world.
Welcoming a New Child into Your Family
by Rachel Maietta | Oct 30, 2019 | Family Blog
We love our child, we love the life we created for them, we are in our groove, and now we’re adding a new baby! This is exciting and scary. You may be thinking, “How can I ever love someone like I love my first born?” “How will I ever have time for my first born like I do now?” “How can we prevent sibling rivalry?” “How can I keep things the same?” The simple answer is: you can’t, but it will be alright. You love your children deeply for the individual relationships you have with each of them. Your children will get your love and attention, and they will also get love, nourishment, growth, and the playfulness that comes from the sibling bond.